bannière n°9
Our main research themes are:
  • territorial competitiveness and well-being;
  • the evolution of urban forms and organisations;
  • land use planning tools and policies.
ECOGEO scientific project aims to contribute to the development of knowledge and tools in relation to the growing societal demand in the face of sustainable territorial development. This relates to overall aims of European, regional and local territorial strategies for:
  • enhancing regional economic prosperity and well-being;
  • developing more compact cities through urban regeneration and containment.
Thème 1

Territorial competitiveness and well-being

The economic prosperity of places and the well-being of their populations are dependent on various factors, such as human capital, innovation, accessibility, etcetera. In this research theme, ECOGEO focuses on competitiveness factors directly related to territorial characteristics, notably the attractiveness of urban spaces and the efficiency of local land and property markets.

Ph.Ds. and representative publications

HALLEUX J.-M., BIANCHET B., MALDAGUE H., LAMBOTTE J.-M. & WILMOTTE P.-F., 2019. Le redéploiement économique de la Wallonie face à la diversité de ses territoires, Courrier Hebdomadaire du CRISP, 2242-2243 (access on ORBi)

WILMOTTE P.-F. & HALLEUX J. M., 2018. La structure spatiale des systèmes régionaux d’innovation : qu’en est-il de la proximité géographique au sein des pôles de compétitivité wallons ?, L’Espace géographique, 47(1), pp. 51-70 (access on ORBi)

BREUER C. & HALLEUX J. M. (Eds.), 2018. Gouvernance et spatialité. Liège, Belgique: Société Géographique de Liège (access on ORBi)

BREUER C., 2017. La spatialité de la gouvernance des régions urbaines intermédiaires en Europe, Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Liege (access on ORBi)

VANDERMEER M.-C. & HALLEUX J. M., 2017. Evaluation of the spatial and economic effectiveness of industrial land policies in northwest Europe, European Planning Studies, 25(8), pp. 1454-1475 (access on ORBi)

VANDERMEER M.-C., 2016. La disponibilité et le prix du foncier à vocation économique : quel impact sur le développement économique en Wallonie ? Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Liege (access on ORBi)

RUELLE C., HALLEUX J. M. & TELLER J., 2013. Landscape quality and brownfield regeneration: a community investigation approach inspired by landscape preference studies, Landscape Research, 38(1), pp. 75-99 (access on ORBi)
Thème 2

The evolution of urban forms and organisations

In this theme, ECOGEO mobilize knowledge in real estate research to analyze the production of urban spaces and address the issue of urban forms. Research is developed in the domains of both, housing and economic activities. To meet real world challenges, a specific attention is paid to the issue of urban sprawl, a major territorial threat in Belgium and Europe but also in many other parts of the World, including in the Global South.

Ph.Ds. and representative publications

BIBBY P., HENNEBERRY J. & HALLEUX J.-M., 2020. Incremental residential densification and urban spatial justice: the case of England between 2001 and 2011, Urban Studies, to be published (access on ORBi)

MESSINA J.-P., 2019. Consommation de la ressource foncière, périurbanisation résidentielle et efficacité urbaine à Kinshasa, Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Liege and University of Kinshasa (access on ORBi)

BIBBY P., HENNEBERRY J. & HALLEUX J.-M., 2018. Under the radar? ‘Soft’residential densification in England, 2001–2011, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (access on ORBi)

BOGAERT J. & HALLEUX J.-M. (Eds.), 2015. Territoires périurbains. Développement, enjeux et perspectives dans les pays du Sud, Presses agronomiques de Gembloux, Gembloux, Belgium (access on ORBi)

HALLEUX J.-M. & VANDERMEER M.-C., 2014. L’impact de la gestion de la mobilité par les entreprises wallonnes sur les déplacements domicile-travail, Recherche Transports Sécurité, 2-3, pp. 83-100 (access on ORBi)

HALLEUX J.-M., LAMBOTTE J.-M. & BRUCK L., 2008. Étalement urbain et services collectifs : les surcoûts d’infrastructures liés à l’eau, Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine, 1, pp. 21-42 (access on ORBi)

HALLEUX J.-M., 2005. Structuration spatiale des marchés fonciers et production de l’urbanisation. Application à la Belgique et à ses nouveaux espaces résidentiels, Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Liege (access on ORBi)

HALLEUX J.-M., BRUCK L. & MAIRY N., 2002. La périurbanisation résidentielle en Belgique à la lumière des contextes suisses et danois : enracinement, dynamiques centrifuges et régulations collectives, BELGEO, 4, pp. 333-354 (access on ORBi)
Thème 3

Land use planning tools and policies

Our research on planning policies examines the impact of land use tools that are used in urban development and redevelopment projects. Research works are carried on Belgium, France, as well as at the international level. This theme also includes methodological approaches and reflexions on the application of market research and property valuation tools in land use planning.

Ph.Ds. and representative publications

LI K., DETHIER P., EIKA A., SAMSURA D., VAN DER KRABBEN E., NORDHAL B. & HALLEUX J.-M., 2020. Measuring and comparing planning cultures: risk, trust and co-operative attitudes in experimental games, European Planning Studies, 28(6), 1118-1138 (access on ORBi)

DETHIER P., 2019. Le rôle de la culture de l'aménagement du territoire vis-à-vis des attitudes en faveur de l’auto-gouvernance : application aux comportements pour le développement de l’habitat groupé, Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Liege (access on ORBi)

DUPONT J., 2014. L’émergence d’une politique foncière régionale en Bretagne : de l’identification des enjeux à la création d’un Etablissement public foncier d’Etat, Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Liege and University of Rennes II (access on ORBi)

HALLEUX J.-M., MARCINCZAK S. & VAN DER KRABBEN E., 2012, The adaptive efficiency of land use planning measured by the control of urban sprawl. The case of the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland, Land Use Policy, 29, pp. 887-898 (access on ORBi)

LEJEUNE Z., MARIQUE A.-F., TELLER J., MICHEL Q. & HALLEUX J.-M., 2010. Des coûts de transaction et de développement incompressibles ? L’exemple du remembrement urbain en Wallonie, Etudes Foncières, 145, pp. 10-12 (access on ORBi)
economic geography unit © 2011